最近在使用WSL(WSL是WSL,那么一个WSL就是A WSL,AWSL)来做开发。
最后用一行放在"~/.zshrc"里的带有判断的用于修改umask的代码解决了。umask就是默认用于设置文件权限的,umask "n n n"
的作用类似默认对文件进行 chmod "7-n 7-n 7-n"
2019年5月19日 于西电
Windows Subsystem Linux如何在NTFS格式磁盘上实现Linux独有磁盘格式如ext4的权限功能?简单来说是元数据
详细情况参阅WSL 的文件权限
Recently I use WSL ( Windows Subsystem for Linux ) for my Linux development.
The problem cames firstly when I use "mkdir" command to creat a folder, its permission mode is 777.
I don't know what happened, the only thing I know is that it's a WSL bug.
At first I make an alias in my .bashrc file like alias mkdir="mkdir -m 766"
, but it hits the ground target not the root.
I configed my WSL, such as changing sourcem, changing to zsh ( installing Oh-My-Zsh for sure ), opening X11.
And the hatch blowed away.
I searched for that problem, and finded that WSL makes a fault config about "umask".
I typed umask
, to find that the umask set was 000 ( ordinarily it should be 022 ).
I input umask 022
in "~/.profile" , but it don't help.
At last I type this in "~/.zshrc" :
1 | Fix BUG 2019/5/19 17:23 |
Finally the problem seems solved.
But there is still a question remains : Why it don't work in "~/.profile".
Knighthana @ XDU